Author: rgs

  • Strangest iPhone Case: The Spray Bottle

    This must be the strangest iPhone Case ever, a case in a form of a spray bottle. The question is why would anyone want to dress up their iPhones in a spray bottle? But apparently there is a market for it, otherwise they would not produce this kind of case. I took a closer look…

  • Dog Snoot Challenge

    There seems be a challenge for everything these days. The latest is the Dog Snoot Challenge where you form this little circle with your hand. Which in other countries can be very offensive if pointed towards a person. The dog doesn’t care and it triggers for some reason an instinct to place there nose inside…

  • First Row Wale Splash

    Just imagine you’re on the boat and were fondling inside your camera bag. Looking down and searching for your zoom lens and this happens and you totally missed it. Oh man I would be so angry, missing to take the picture of my lifetime. And that dude behind you got it on video via his…

  • Giant Illuminated Light Peg Board

    Maybe nothing for a kids room but I can totally see this giant illuminated light peg board to be used in a cool start-up office or at a conference or convention (@steemfest). Or inside of a shop window display for advertisement. Or for therapy work to build a feeling of community within a group, accomplishing…

  • That Happiness Boy

    OMG – poor little kid you’ll feel so unhappy seeing this online, when you’re older. It will turn the happy penis to an unhappy penis. This very short clip is just too funny and cute and what are the chances that he can’t pronounce this word, turning it into something totally different. Imagine the parents…

  • Construction Worker Folding Wood Ruler Puzzle

    I was extremely fascinated with these wooden, folding rulers. I loved extending them in different ways, fully extending them and building little constructions with it. I had a blast and yes, I was super easy to entertain as a kid (things changed though). Now I could starting to play with this ruler puzzle again without…

  • Make A Bumble Bee Your Pet

    Thinking of it, I haven’t seen any Bumble Bees in a long time. But if you come across one you can make the little Bumble Bee your pet friend by putting some honey on your hand and transferring it from a flower to your hand. That little insect will be in such a honey rush…

  • Crazy Cat? Tin Foil Hat!

    Is your cat crazy and insane? Are you assuming that your cat is communicating with aliens? Then you should wear one of those tin foil hats as well, seriously. You and and your cat will be wearing tin foil hats in partner look and yes I do encourage you to take your leashed up cat…

  • Just Trying To Help Selling Candy

    It’s either the one of the worst things I’ve ever seen on the internet or the most genius reverse effects candy marketing campaign. Trale Lewous just wants to help to see candy by making his own commercial which includes Butterfinger and Twizzlers. But then comes the rather upsetting letter from them Twizzlers – so everything…