Author: rgs

  • eBay Keyword Bargain Hunting

    eBay Keyword Bargain Hunting

    Our site Lastminute Auction has been around for some serious time now and it’s pretty popular. It’s not the prettiest one BUT that’s not the point. We find you some incredible bargains. The concept of the site work. Finding you bargains on eBay with only one hour left and the auction price at only ONE…

  • Coolest Pokemon Lunchbox

    Coolest Pokemon Lunchbox

    Got to eat the all! Never miss a lunch again with this super awesome and handy looking Poké Ball lunch box. Now you won’t get beat up because people are jealous of your bento lunch but now people will beat you up so they can just carry your lunchbox for you. And in case you…

  • Armchair Travel Puzzle Slider

    Armchair Travel Puzzle Slider

    Don’t waste your hard earned money for airplane tickets and hotels. You can now travel the world from the comfort of your home. Puzzle your way around the world. Our new puzzle app features thousands of travel photos from our travel project For 91 Days. Every time you solve a puzzle you’ll receive a paragraph…

  • Cold Plate Ice Cream Rolls

    If this wouldn’t be so much of counter waste I would totally install one of those ice plates into my kitchen. Fresh, healthy and homemade Ice cream every single day and the neighbors get a good share of your rhythm! In this video you see coconut – banana ice cream being made. Not sure where…

  • YouTube Copyright Counter Notice – What Now?

    YouTube Copyright Counter Notice – What Now?

    Let’s assume you’re a small video content creator and you publish these videos to Youtube to make some money with advertisement and obviously to go viral. After some time you do manage to get couple of videos viewed over a million times. Good for you and hey you see some money come in. But one…

  • Forever Alone Chair

    Forever Alone Chair

    Who wants to sit in a crowd when you only want some peace from this world. Nobody will come near you while you sit in the forever alone chair, NOBODY! Not even mosquitoes. Not even them. Bring this chair to a concert = you’re alone. Bring this chair to the pool = forever alone. Sleep…

  • Alternative To Netflix’s new “like”-rating system

    Alternative To Netflix’s new “like”-rating system

    Now it’s just a thumbs up or down to determinant if you liked a movie or a TV show or not. And there is nothing in between. Black and white, hot and cold. That’s what life is! Nope it’s not. And based on that it’s nearly impossible to give anyone recommendations. There’s definitely a target…

  • And This Is How You Pop Rice

    And This Is How You Pop Rice

    Did you know that you can pop rice, similar how you would pop popcorn. The trick though is not to burn the rice due to the heat. Corn has more forgiving but rice burns up within a second if you’re not careful. That’s why they’re popping the rice in hot sand while steering. It’s almost…

  • ThinkGeek April Fools Day 2017

    ThinkGeek April Fools Day 2017

    Here we go, another round of big cooperations trying to fool us on this oh so special day, using it as a big PR stunt. Banks are going to be like … oh all of your money is gone and airlines .. whoops this flight went off the radar .. hahaha. Come and laugh along…