Author: rgs

  • How To Peel A Pineapple Super Speedy

    How To Peel A Pineapple Super Speedy

    This woman should do pineapple speed peeling as a live feed on social media. People couldn’t stop watching, counting all of her fingers every time she finished peeling one. She would be famous and rich in no time. Even more famous than that dude who did the pineapple pen video. And I do feel sorry…

  • The Anti Welcome Doormat

    There is nothing better than a subtle undertone but if it’s not getting picked up, there is nothing better than being super direct. It’s not like you didn’t try to make yourself understood but sometimes people just won’t and don’t want to understand unless you spell it out for them. Save Your Breath With The…

  • Vietnamese Weasel Poop Coffee

    I’ve heard about Vietnamese Weasel Coffee before and thought this sounds kind of fun. But the more I heard about it, saw how it’s actually made and seen how the weasels are actually held … I find it really disgusting. First of, you would almost never seen a Vietnamese person leisurely ordering a cup of…

  • The Goldfish Bike Ladies Of Saigon

    The Goldfish Bike Ladies Of Saigon

    Wondering around the streets of Saigon now for 2 month and I thought I’ve seen it all. I guess, never! Saigon keeps surprising me and that almost on a daily basis (Does this sentence make any sense? Well, no! But it sounds good?) On this day we headed out to explore District 3, to be…

  • Meet Mofu – The Fake Vegetable / Fruit Substitute

    Meet Mofu – The Fake Vegetable / Fruit Substitute

    Do you feel weird (I don’t) consuming meats in front of your vegetarian or even worse vegan friends? Made feel horrible by their guilty looks and comments. Well now there Mofu, the vegatable / fruit substitute. It’s actually meat but it tastes, looks and smells like vegetables or fruits. So you now have your meat…

  • Eat Yellow Dino Brain Egg Molder

    Eat Yellow Dino Brain Egg Molder

    How fitting, the dino egg molder .. molding chicken eggs. Which are in direct blood line of the giant dino beasts. In case you watched Kong, Skull Island (which sucked! I think) you might as me have hope, that somewhere in a inner earth bubble dinosaurs still exist. Mold Eggs Into Dinosaurs I love this…

  • Getting Attacked By A White Tiger

    Getting Attacked By A White Tiger

    You should be happy that I didn’t squeal in this video! Zoos are such a touchy topic. On the one hand it’s horrible to keep these wild animals locked up and away from their natural habitat. But on the other hand how do you make kids and adults believe that these animals really exist and…

  • Cao Dai: The Religion You Never Heard Of

    Cao Dai: The Religion You Never Heard Of

    Never heard of the Cao Dai religion, born in Vietnam who has one of their saints is Victor Hugo, yes the other who wrote the Hunchback Of Notre Dame. And the craziest thing is, this religion has over 6 million followers worldwide. That’s about the same amount of Mormons. Like Stepping Into Nirwana We were…

  • You Deserve It: Golden Facial

    You Deserve It: Golden Facial

    Yes, you deserve this golden facial mask! And the best thing though is, you can also afford it. It looks fancy but won’t break your monthly beauty budget. This golden facial (not to mix up with the golden shower) mask makes also a great gift. People think you totally overspent on them. But it only…