Author: rgs

  • Products Nobody Needs – Beer Saving Cap?

    Honestly, who saves a beer unless it’s maybe a 15 liter bottle or something. I open a beer, I’ll drink it. This is how beer drinking works. Done! I got nothing to add to this! From their product page: Beer Savers are the world’s first durable, stretchy silicone beer bottle cap charms designed to help…

  • Moped Hair Salon – Washing And Drying Included

    Moped Hair Salon – Washing And Drying Included

    I’m not really sure where this was filmed but I think chances are pretty high that it was in Vietnam, there their scooters are so integrated and big part of their daily life. So coming up with additional uses of your moped makes total sense. So why not treat yourself to a nice and fast…

  • Unique House Shoes: NASA Astronaut Boot Plush Slippers

    Unique House Shoes: NASA Astronaut Boot Plush Slippers

    Too bad these NASA Astronaut Boot Plush Slippers won’t make you bounce on the moon like an actual astronaut on the moon. Just imagine how awesome it would be to put these plush slippers on and you can bounce up and own from your couch into the kitchen. Or what about some role playing in…

  • French Bulldog Sings Flamenco

    French Bulldog Sings Flamenco

    We used to have a French Bulldog and I miss having a dog dearly. So anything related to French Bulldog I’m addicted to. Maybe one day we can have one of those little doggies again. But I could see the owner of this one really getting annoyed. It’s SOOO CUTE but imagine the dog would…

  • Dehydrate Them All – Yummy Kiwi Snacks

    Some of you know that I’m a grower and I always wondered about one of those if they’re suitable to dry my harvest with them. I’ve remember reading that it’s not really suitable for it. But it would be incredible, drying my harvest and than making healthy, yummy munchies right after. The perfect multi-use device…

  • Need Inspiration To Enter A Room? Here Are 50!!!

    Need Inspiration To Enter A Room? Here Are 50!!!

    I’m entering the room like a tall guy probably 95 of 100 times but I’m inspired to try some of the other 49 options? So how do you enter a room most of the time (clown, cheating spouse or police dude?). The same guy has some other fun videos on his channel, for example to…

  • Hate Folding Laundry? Well There Is Machine For It Now

    Hate Folding Laundry? Well There Is Machine For It Now

    And there it is, the dream come true of every person who hates folding laundry. I actually don’t know anyone who LOVES folding laundry. Not even one! The only time I kind of like it is in the winter time when the laundry comes out of the dryer and I was freezing all day long.…

  • Shark – Hungry Beach Towel

    This shark towel invites everyone for some fun role playing, let’s pretend getting attacked by a great white shark, scream and wiggle like you’re really getting attacked. You’re going to make tons of friends at the beach. Jokes aside, this giant beach towel is definitly an eye catcher and conversation starter and you might make…

  • Super Talented Trick Golfer

    Super Talented Trick Golfer

    At first my FAKEMETER went off the chart but I think that kid is really that talented and the ball bouncing around and making it into the hole is not edited in in post-production. I’m just shocked that his videos have such a low view count. I think Ellen should invite him to her show…